About Us

KSANA our ultimate goal is to provide high quality services

Since 2015, our team has excelled in understanding industry needs and developing reliable products to meet them.

KSANA was founded in 2015 and has been successfully providing various types of construction and installation services for 7 years. It should be noted that our scope of production is quite extensive.

Our company specialises in installation of process equipment, pipelines and metal structures, manufacture of non-standard equipment and metal structures, overhaul and reconstruction of equipment for chemical companies, oil and gas refineries, but that is not all. We manufacture, assemble and install cylindrical and spherical tanks. In addition, we successfully carry out all types of welding work and manufacture equipment.

Some interesting facts

The numbers speak for themselves

Our staff
Our age
Finished projects

Quality comes first! We ensure that every little detail is taken into account when manufacturing even the smallest product. We are 100% focused on the needs and satisfaction of our customers.


We treat every order with the utmost professionalism and perform all tasks assigned to us. We try to find a common language and understanding with each client so that any issues are discussed and resolved on time.

Our work

We fulfil your orders in all weather conditions, under any circumstances and at any opportunity! We are committed to the task at hand: we work in the heat and the cold, on high-rise buildings and in underground structures. Anytime and anywhere

Versatility of production is one of the advantages of our company.

Need simpler solutions? We are the Experts!